Ken Cunningham
2018-12-01 20:17:32 UTC
Clang of Xcode-10.1 does not accept {{{-syslibroot}}} argument at all.
Mouse, I don't think it's Xcode 10; rather that libtool in gimp-print is very old I believe.Using our current one by adding the following to the Portfile:
depends_build-append port:libtool
build.args LIBTOOL="${prefix}/bin/glibtool --tag=CC"
and gimp-print builds against an SDK with no trouble at all:
$ port -v installed gimp-print
The following ports are currently installed:
gimp-print @4.2.7_0 (active) platform='darwin 18' archs='x86_64' date='2018-12-01T12:15:57-0800'