isl, cctools, ... & cross-compilers
Mojca Miklavec
2018-11-11 13:39:01 UTC

I noticed that at least one (but probably more) cross-compiler build
is broken after isl update:

I suspect this means that we are missing at least a dependency on isl
in our crossgcc portgroup?

Other native gcc* ports depend on it, but cross-compilers don't. I
guess this is a bug?

Regarding the cctools I did not follow all the details of recent
discussion and changes. I suspect it's not needed, I just wanted to
make sure because every time we discover and fix a bug in gcc, the
exact same bug in crosgcc surfaces as soon as the first person starts
compiling and using those ...

(We still didn't solve the problem/bug when building crossgcc on AFPS
among others ... which is pretty annoying, I had to start building
this port cca. 10 times before it finished.)

